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INK: Abstraction Page 16

“Hold them off from what?” Carl asks, standing directly in front of us.

  Miranda turns her body fully toward me, excluding Carl from the conversation. “We have to solve this fast; we have to figure out how to disarm the Specter. I would like to approach this by not having to throw your baby away with the bathwater. But if we don’t do something soon, it won’t be up to me.”

  “What are you saying? Are trying to say that Shayleigh is in danger from the organization?” I’m immediately incensed and stand to get some distance from Miranda.

  “No, Harry, it’s just that we need to diffuse this and fast. People have to stop dying. As it is, Shay doesn’t have an alibi for Nigel’s murder, and what if they do find Aiden’s body in the river, what then?” Her tone is calm and I notice how many times she’s addressed me by name to continue to create a sense of familial safety. I may have been out of the cop game for a while, but you don’t forget these tactics.

  “Miranda, my little girl isn’t murdering people and we are going to figure out who is. Not to mention we have another case to solve, namely who kidnapped and tortured her. Or have you forgotten what she’s just been through?” My tone is metered so as not to show weakness in my outrage.

  “Aiden’s body is not in the river,” Carl chimes in and turns to me. “Harry, Miranda is an absolute threat to Shay.” There’s boiling rage in his tone as he turns to leave. He stops in the hallway door and turns to face Miranda, branding her with his anger, “I won’t let you hurt her.”

  “Carl.” Miranda calls to him with an offended tone, but he ignores her completely.

  I sit and stare at Miranda for a solid minute. I don’t know what to make of everything I’ve heard and seen today. “Miranda, why would Carl be concerned about you hurting Shayleigh?”

  “Carl and McNab apparently have a low opinion of me. McNab and I have had some personal dealings that really aren’t relevant to this case.” She stands and goes to the kitchen. I’m not sure if this is a way to avoid eye contact with me. “He’s letting his personal feelings get in the way of this investigation, and that’s one reason why I want them away from this case. They aren’t helping, Harry, they are creating delusions in Shay that she can actually handle this.”

  “But what is ‘this’?” Even though I have more questions about her prior dealings with McNab I need to focus on Shayleigh.

  “This is a supernatural haunting that’s manifesting itself in the form of murder.” She sits back on the couch with a bottle of water.

  “I really don’t understand. Remember, I was always brought in to find killers, not chase ghosts. I had no idea the organization was involved in paranormal explanations.” I really didn’t. They brought me in as a troubleshooter. I was someone who could analyze the case data, ask the right questions and determine whether the person of interest was the killer or not.

  “Well Harry, the less you knew about the cases and the paranormal aspect the more objective you could be when finding the perp,” Miranda's tone is dismissive.

  “So what is your role in all of this?” Isn’t this the million dollar question?

  “I’m brought in to eliminate the paranormal threat. That’s what I’m going to do with Shay, figure out how to get rid of the Specter.” She says it simply.

  “Do you think we can?” I ask, unsure.

  Miranda leans forward and puts her hand on my knee. “I know we can, Harry. It’s all going to be okay. I just have to come up with an approach that will be…satisfying.”

  Miranda’s words do nothing to set me at ease. I’m still concerned about Shayleigh and wonder what kind of danger she’s really in between her kidnapper, this ghost thing and now Miranda. Protecting her is going to take a team.

  “Harry, have you thought about what you’re going to do about this kidnapping situation?” Miranda asks, guarded.

  “Yes, I’m going to find out who did this.”

  “She’s already fingered Glass for it,” Miranda goads me. “Unless you don’t believe her.”

  “I don’t know what to believe. I do know that Shayleigh going after Glass will be a disaster. He’s a cop, he has an alibi and there’s no physical evidence to connect him to her.” I itemize the holes in Shayleigh’s theory.

  “Yes, but she’s certain she saw him there. What do you make of that?”

  “I don’t know what to make of it. What I do know is that aside from everything else, he’s a cop, and I don’t believe he would do this.”

  “So you believe this guy over your own daughter?” she asks, raising her brow.

  “I’m afraid I do. I’m not sure what’s been going on with her lately, but she’s been very…different.” I can’t bring myself to say that I think she could possibly be losing it.

  “That’s interesting.” Miranda taps her finger on her water bottle. “Very interesting.”

  The doorbell rings, keeping me from figuring out how to backpedal the implication that I don’t believe in Shayleigh. Pitch and Quag come in the house carrying equipment. Pitch pushes past me with a perfunctory nod. Quag stutters out, “H-H-Hello Mr. Baynes, Carl asked us to come back.”

  “He’s in the back.” I point toward the hallway.

  “Well if it isn’t Scooby and the gang.” Miranda stands up, straightening her pant legs. “Where’s Fred?”

  “Shut the fuck up Miranda.” Pitch’s tone is flat, and he turns to Quag. “Carl didn’t say this bitch was going to be here.”

  “Aw, boys, I’m feelin’ the love.” Miranda brushes by Pitch straight to Quag, putting her finger under his chin. “What’s wrong? Haven’t you boys solved a mystery yet today and gotten a Scooby snack from McNab?”

  “The only mystery I can’t solve is why your parents didn’t drown you in a burlap sack when you were hatched.” Pitch’s tone is precise as he turns to me. “Thank you, Mr. Baynes, the guest room?” Pitch smiles and walks past Miranda as though she wasn’t there, but Quag gives her a wide birth.

  “Yes, down the hall on the left.” I point to lead the way. I study Miranda for a moment. “McNab’s team really don’t much care for you.”

  “No, of course they don’t. They are college intern sycophants who worship every word that falls out of McNab's mouth. They don’t bother me one bit. If they did, I’d be in the wrong business.”

  I nod, knowing I’m not going to get anymore from her about this. I’m going to have to ask McNab point blank if I want any answers regarding this.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Empty Hut Syndrome


  Everything is getting way out of control, and where the hell is McNab? He’s not answering his phone. He can’t do this, not with Miranda here; half of her vendetta revolves around him. I won’t have him being the one putting this girl in more danger. I dial the main office.

  “Paranormal Transmissions, this is Lori.”

  “Lori, it’s Carl. I need to talk to McNab, now.”

  “Carl, honey, I’m sorry. I’ve not been able to reach him since yesterday.” She sounds as disappointed as I am, but I know better.

  “Lori, get him on the satellite and tell him if he doesn’t call me he's going to lose her.” I hate taking a tone with her, but damn it, McNab has to stop disappearing like this. I need him to help me diffuse this entire Miranda situation.

  “Yes Dr. Wayne.” Lori’s hurt tone instantly makes me feel like shit, but I don’t have time.

  “Oh, Lori, I’m sorry. You know things are bad down here. I don’t need you playing the wounded sparrow,” I tell her.

  “Yes, sir. I’ll get him on the sat.” She says, “Is there anything else?”

  “No, Lori, and…have a good day.” I hang up the phone. Of course I feel like the biggest ass hat on the planet for snapping at her.

  “Hey Carl, where should we set up?” Pitch is standing in the doorway.

  “Probably in the living room, that’s where the most recent activity was.” I think, honestly, we need to just follow Shay around, that’s where it will all happen.

  “’Kay boss, you got it,” Pitch says, turning around in an exaggerated motion.

  “But, um,” Quag looks at the floor, then me. “Miranda’s in there.”

  “I know, try to ignore her. Don’t talk to her.”

  Pitch turns back around and stands in the doorway. “Hey man, are you okay? You seem rattled.”

  “I am rattled, this whole situation is a ticking time bomb that I can’t diffuse.” I can’t believe I’m saying that out loud, but this is not going well for any of us.

  My cell phone buzzes. “Hey, it’s McNab, I need to take this.”

  “Sure thing, we’ll get set up.” Quag follows behind Pitch.

  “McNab, where the hell have you been?” I bark.

  “Carl, we have a problem.” McNab sounds winded and definitely frazzled.

  “We certainly do. I need you back here ASAP,” I tell him.

  “Carl, listen to me. I can’t find Aiden.”

  “Aiden isn’t a concern to us right now. I’m not even sure why you’re looking for him.” I’m so irritated right now.

  “I’m worried about him; he’s just fallen off the face of everything and isn’t responding. His tracker has been stationary for two weeks now.” McNab’s breathing is labored.

  “What the hell are you doing? Where are you?”

  “I’m in Africa, almost to the coordinates of the—” The phone goes silent.

  “McNab?” Nothing. I look at the phone to be sure the call is still connected. “McNab!”

  “No.” He whispers into the phone.

  “What is it?” McNab is rarely befuddled, and sadly he seems to be more often these days, but we all are.

  “The hut’s been ransacked. Something bad happened here.” McNab sounds disturbed.

  “What are you seeing?” I ask in a metered tone.

  “I’m seeing the symbols on the walls in blood.” His voice is shaky.

  “The symbols from the crime scenes?” I ask in disbelief.

  “Yes, but Aiden’s not here.” I hear McNab shuffling around.

  “McNab, you have to get back here. You need to come home. She needs you.” Hopefully appealing to his inner knight in shining armor will get him out of there.

  “Carl, I’m not sure what’s happening here. He should have been safe here.” McNab’s voice has dropped to a lower register.

  “Did you hear me? Shay needs you here.”

  “That’s why you’re there,” he says, distracted.

  “No, McNab, I can’t do this on my own. Miranda saw the Specter.”

  There’s a tick of silence on the other end. “How did this happen, Carl? You are supposed to be keeping the Specter at bay.”

  “I’m having some trouble, there’s interference. I can’t be sure why, but he’s getting stronger and bolder. He manifested himself around her. He still can’t get in, but I’m concerned that with a few more kills he won’t care about being with her and just flat out possess her. Then we’re in deep shit.”

  “So, what was Miranda’s reaction?” McNab asks cautiously.

  “Her wheels are turning and she's already planning on how to eliminate Shay.”

  “Goddamn it, Carl, how did you let this get so out of control?” He’s angry with me now?

  “This situation has never been in control. It’s getting worse because of outside forces and she’s broken. She needs your strength.” I plead with him.

  “I’m heading back to Lubumbashi now. I’ll get the first flight out.” His breathing picks up again. “Carl.”


  “Keep her safe and get Miranda the hell out of there.”

  I should feel some comfort that McNab is on his way back, but he can’t get here soon enough. I walk down the hallway in time to see Eli coming from the bedroom clicking the door closed gently.

  “Carl.” Eli looks at me wide eyed. “What the hell was all of that earlier? Is that what she’s been seeing?”

  “Yes and no. She sees him in her dreams, but I’m fairly certain this is the first time she’s seen him while she was awake,” I answer, waving him closer.

  “Well, what do we do? How do we stop it?” He’s borderline losing it.

  “I don’t exactly know just yet. McNab and I are working on a plan.” I rub the whiskers on my chin reminding me that I need to shave.

  “What sort of plan? How can I help?” He’s eager to hear the solution.

  “First we have to get Miranda the hell outta here. She’s dangerous; she will kill Shay if she has the chance. That’s how the organization works.” I look directly into his eyes. There’s no time for pussy-footing around, he needs to know how dire this situation is.

  “Consider it done.” He says, “What else?”

  “We have to keep her safe. She can’t be left alone; there are too many threats right now.” I’m counting them all in my mind. “From the Specter, to Glass, to Miranda, no one can be trusted.”

  “Can’t you just do some psychic whammy on everything and keep her safe?”

  “I wish I could, I’m having a few problems. In training her I’m becoming weakened. Not much, but enough that I can’t keep the Specter from manifesting.” I hate admitting it, but I need Eli to understand how much danger we are all in.

  “Alright, I’m going to convince Harry to take Miranda out of here. What’s next?”

  “We continue on, I’m going to keep training her, and you do what you do best, just keep loving her.”

  “I can do that.” He smiles and relaxes a bit. “But how can we keep the Specter from killing again?”

  “That I don’t know, but he obviously doesn’t need her anymore to do it.”

  Eli’s expression is riddled with remorse. “What about Nigel?”

  “He made the choice to leave, that’s not on us or Shay.” I inhale a breath. “Just keep her safe.”

  “What about us?” he asks simply.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Do you think we’re in danger?” Eli feels the shame of his question immediately.

  “None of us are safe.” I push past him through the hallway to check on Pitch and Quag. I don’t want to be drawn into a conversation that can’t have a satisfactory end.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Dissolution of Mirage


  “So Bailey, was this all part of your grand plan? Now you will be unable to reach her,” the Specter chides. I’d like to smash his smoky face in.

  “I will reach her; she can’t hide there forever. Besides, I’ve gotten in there before, I can do it again.” A confident smile rises from my lips.

  “Well you’d better come up with something good.” He floats around me, taunting while I pack a few things from my room.

  “I want to kill Carl.” I say it as fact. “I need your help though.”

  “Oh, you need my help now?” He swirls down to me at eye level, waging a menacing stare. “You’ve always needed me.”

  “I need you now. I want to eliminate everyone that’s keeping me from her. I want to off that attorney too.”

  “Yes, of course you do. That’s so trite, though, and unnecessary. Besides, he is still of use to us.” The Specter’s voice is lulling me into calm, but I’m snapped out of it as soon as I think of her lying with Eli.

  “I want him dead.” I slam my top drawer shut. “He’s an interference, just like Carl. I don’t see why we can’t kill them both.”

  “Because I think it would cause her to go overboard, do things that are unpredictable. The more predictable she is the more…pliable to our ideas she may be.”

  “Yeah, well I’m feeling her slip through my fingers and I don’t like it.” My fists ball at my sides trying to control my anger.

  “That’s because you went outside the plan. I could have protected you, I could have helped you with your kills, but you refused. Now, if you wanted to reconsider and start doing my bidding again, we may have something to talk about.” The Specter starts negotiating.

sp; “What do I have to do to be with her? I’ll do it.” I’m desperate and I don’t care if he knows it.

  “You have to let me back in. It’s a fair trade.” He knows he has the upper hand.

  “I’m not really up for a full-on possession, I sort of like having control of myself.” I turn away from him and let him fume a solid minute at my refusal.

  The Specter swoops around and wraps his vaporous hand around my neck, choking me. “Listen to me, you insignificant little twit. I made you and I can destroy you with even greater ease. You will let me back in willingly or I’ll force my way in and you’ll never reemerge. You’ll become an echo of who you were, a spectator in your own life. You’ll watch me being with her. I’ll be the one making love to her and you’ll be watching from the distal pit of your soul. Choose well Bailey, you may only choose once.”

  He releases me from his grip and I gasp for air. With my hands on my thighs I hold back the vomit threatening at the back of my throat. There’s an urgency brewing in me to answer, but I can’t find my voice. I nod my head in agreement. The Specter’s smile is luminescent against his dark form. He’s been placated and I’ve been spared, for now.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Go to the Light, Eli


  This is the first time since I found her that she’s slept restfully. I marvel at her beauty and her strength. I still don’t know the extent of what she went through, but I’m betting it’s something most people couldn’t survive.

  The covers are pushed down to her waist revealing her arms. So many marks, I trace each line with my eyes and want to take the pain away. I know that some of these will heal, some won’t, but the scars I’m most concerned about are the ones no one can see.

  Her skin is so pale still, but I know she’s as soft as the petals of a rose. She’s the strongest person I know, but so soft. I don’t care how tough she is, I just want to hold her forever. Protect her from anything and anyone that would hurt her. I want to insulate her with my love. The dream I had in the hospital still haunts me in my waking moments. I don’t know how I would continue without her.

  She stirs and inhales deeply through her nose and stretches her arms upward. She turns to see me hovering over her. “Hey there, beautiful.”