INK: Abstraction Read online

Page 21

  “Nobody can save Trish, she’s going to have to do it on her own.” He turns around to face me and pulls my head to his chest. “I’m sure it’s going to be okay. She’ll come to her senses.”

  I pull back a tick and look at him, questioning. “Trish? My Trish? Senses you say?”

  “I get your point, she’ll be alright. She always seems to come out on top.” He locks his fingers gently in my hair and pulls me back to his chest. “Let’s just worry about us for right now.”

  “I have no worries like this, snuggled into my man.” I let out a sigh of relief and nuzzle in closer.

  The silence in the house is broken by Carl and Pitch coming in. “Hey, are you guys okay?”

  I step away from Eli; for some reason I feel guilty deriving any sort of comfort in front of Carl. Pitch heads straight for the back room with some equipment.

  “Yeah, we’re fine. How’s the leg?” Eli asks.

  “Twelve stitches, it really was no big deal.” Carl sits slowly on the couch. “Has Trish answered her phone?”

  “No, frankly I’m getting really nervous. I mean, what if he hurts her?” I ask sitting on the couch across from Carl.

  “I seriously doubt he even went back to her house, I mean now the jig is up and she’s worn out her usefulness.” He tries to reassure me.

  “I think maybe I’d like to go and check on her.” I really don’t want to, but I can’t imagine what it would be like losing her, never having talked this out and leaving things the way they are. I don’t think the heartfelt voicemails and texts would make me feel any better about her being angry with me.

  “We just got home, why don’t we get cleaned up,” Eli says looking down at himself. “I’m kind of a mess.”

  “Oh babe, I’m sorry. You should get in the shower.” I press my lips into a thin line; I inject levity wherever I can. Here seems good. “You know, with how things have been lately, I think perhaps finding a dry cleaner who can get bloodstains out would be a good idea.”

  Eli smirks at me and his eyes light up. “Or I could just ask Wes what he uses. The carpet looks fine,” Eli muses and pulls me into a hug.

  “Shower.” I insist because I want to get back to where all I have to concern myself with is being held by Eli.

  “No, if you want to go check on Trish, I’m certainly not comfortable with you going alone with that psycho on the loose.” He tucks his tattered shirt into his pants.

  “Eli, no. I’m sure Carl will go with me.” I look to Carl hoping that he’ll agree so Eli can get some rest.

  Carl visibly pushes past his exhaustion and stands from the couch. “No, I’m not going with you. But I’ll go without you. I don’t think it’s wise for you to be anywhere near where Bailey could be. I really do think he’s dangerous.”

  “You would do that?” I ask, relieved because I didn’t want to go where Bailey could be either.

  “You two need to get some rest. I’ll take Pitch with me and you guys can try to achieve at least one night of normal.”

  “Thank you so much, Carl.” I walk over to him and wrap my arms around him.

  He’s taken aback by my hug and gently hugs me back like I’m made of china. “No problem darlin’. You get some rest.” He looks over my head at Eli as though giving him an order. “I’ll be back in about an hour.”

  Carl and Pitch leave and it’s just Eli and I. Well Quag is in the back room, but he pretty much keeps to himself. I look Eli up and down and see him broken and dirty. “You’re a hot mess, babe.”

  “I know. I’m going to go and get in the shower.” He comes over to me and plants a sweet kiss on the top of my head.

  “’kay,” I say and follow behind him.

  We walk into the bedroom and see the bed completely stripped, and that’s when I finally register the smell of the cleaning solution. I hadn’t really noticed it until I remembered what happened this morning with Bailey.

  “Shit,” Eli complains, looking at the stripped bed.

  “It’s okay, I’ve got this. You go get in the shower,” I insist.

  “No, I’ll take care of it.” Eli stops unbuttoning his shirt.

  I walk over to him and take his hands down. “Shhhh. I’ve got this.” I unbutton his shirt all the way and slide it off his shoulders. “You get in the shower. I’ll take care of this and get the sheets.”

  He looks at me with admiration and love. “I love you, you know that?”

  “I love you too. Take your time in there, but leave me some hot water, I need one too!” I hop on tippy toes and press a kiss on his nose.

  “You could—” He cuts himself off, but I can still hear the words in his head, join me. Nice save, Eli.

  “Get cleaned up.” I swat him on the behind with the shirt and turn to leave him to his shower. I go in the kitchen and notice that Rex isn’t in the house. The doggie door to the patio has been latched. As soon as I unlatch the lock, Rex comes barreling through. I scratch behind his ears briefly. “Sorry buddy, things were crazy as usual.”

  “We didn’t want him to get into any of the cleaning solution.” I hear Quag’s voice behind me.

  “Oh, hey Quag.” I stand up and turn to face him. “Good thinking. Do you think it’s okay for him now?”

  “Sh-sh-sure,” he stutters out.

  “Cool.” I get a bottle of water and start for the linen closet in the hallway. Quag is just standing there watching me. “Can I get you something?”

  “No, I’m fine.” He stands, still staring.

  It’s a little unnerving and I don’t feel as though I can just ignore him. “What’s up? Has there been some news?”

  “No, I’m just, well, I’m just amazed by you.” I’m totally shocked. This kid barely says a word, and the ones he chose are very bold. I’m also really humbled, because honestly, there’s nothing amazing about me aside from the mess that I am.

  “Wow, well I think you have it all wrong.” I pull a set of sheets and a comforter from the closet.

  “No, you’re going to come into your own. It’s all going to be okay you know,” he says and drops his eyes to the floor on the last few words.

  “If I can get out of this at all, then you’re right! That would be pretty amazing.” I offer a smile and go back to the bedroom.

  The comforter smells like Eli and detergent. I inhale his scent deeply, and just that is enough to lull me into a false sense of normalcy. I finish and sink into the fluffy comforter to enjoy the spoils of a freshly made bed. Eli’s reflection in the mirror catches my eye. He’s still in the shower just letting the water wash the day away.

  Something compels me to go and take a closer look. I lean in the doorway and study his reflection. He’s lean, but strong. I remember how he was carrying children off the bus, comforting them, helping them, drying their tears and calming them. Jesus, I think I just ovulated.

  I shake the thought out of my head; there’s no way I can have any kind of normal life with anyone right now. I still can’t help but imagine what life with Eli could be like. We used to dream about having children, two of them. Of course we planned for a boy and a girl, Oliver and Fallon. I refocus on Eli’s form to divert from the rabbit hole of thinking I could ever have a normal life.

  The water trickles down, following the lines of his cut body. The form of his arms, rippled like they were sculpted by God himself. One large trail of water catches my attention and travels over his shoulders, appearing in slow motion. It moves down his neck and through the valley of his chest, over his washboard abs, past his belly button and then, Oh dear God, Shay, what are you doing?

  Just like that water moving over Eli’s skin, heat spirals through me, igniting a hunger that I have no desire to suppress. I want him, I want to feel close to him and have him inside me now. Eli pushes the handle on the faucet. My teeth are sinking into my bottom lip to suppress a moan of wanting.

  He totally busts me ogling him, and if my mouth weren’t so dry right now I know I’d be drooling. His smile lights up the entire room
, he knows he just caught me. “Hey Sweetybird.” He snaps the towel off the rack and wraps it around his waist. Sad.

  “Hey.” I try to whisper it sultry, but it just comes off like there’s something caught in my throat.

  A laugh rumbles from his belly, and he stands in front of me. “What are you doing?”

  “Nothin’.” I look down and away otherwise I won’t be able to control myself and I’ll start running my fingers over his skin just to feel his warmth.

  Eli puts his finger under my chin and guides me to meet his eyes, looking into me with a heat that could ignite Antarctica. “Whenever you’re ready.”

  Holy God he’s hot when he growls out his words with that intensity. I want to lick each drop of water off his chest. All I can do is nod and take a step back. Judging by how his gaze is making me feel, I’m ready. “I made the bed.” Smooth, Shay.

  “Thanks.” He smiles knowingly, never taking his eyes off me. Eli knows that he could have me here and now. He pulls a t-shirt on over his head and puts on a pair of jeans. He comes back to where I’m standing and cups my neck in his hands tenderly. “I’m going to go and get something ready for dinner, why don’t you take a shower and get changed into something comfy.”

  “Okay.” Yes, I’ve been reduced to one word answers; it’s probably better that way.

  “Then we can eat dinner and watch a movie. Good?” He raises his eyebrows.

  “What movie?” I ask.

  “Constantine? I know it’s one of your favorites.”

  “Um, how about no, I think that one’s a little too close to real life right now.” Sadness creeps in at the thought.

  “Okay, what do you want to watch?”

  “Six String Samurai?” I counter, raising one brow.

  He pulls his lips to the side. “Nah. How about something with super heroes?”

  I ball his shirt in my hands and pull him down to meet me. “I already have my super hero.” I press my lips onto his.

  He laughs softly into my mouth. “Get in the shower, silly girl, I’ll figure it out. I’m sure I have something you’ll like in there.”

  “Okay, sounds good.” I turn to go into the bathroom and he pats my ass.

  “See you in a few minutes.” He blesses me with that wicked smile of his and I melt, right there, just melt.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Mundane is Good


  Far be it for me to question the good times. Shay curled up with me on the living room couch is like a slice of heaven and she’s the angel. She gave up trying to get Trish on the phone after eight fuck you’s, five I hate you texts and one long string of expletives that I’m sure would make a sailor blush. Hopefully Carl will be able to talk some sense into her. Quag’s in the back bedroom monitoring the new security system that McNab insisted be installed. So it feels like we are alone for the first time in a while.

  Whatever happened between Shay and Carl I’m not sure, but there’s no question he’s trying to atone for his sins. I don’t want to bring it up, I really just want to sit here and continue to hold her and watch this dumbass movie. “Are you liking it?”

  “Yeah, what’s not to like? Evil villain tries to destroy the universe. The hero saves the day and gets the villain to either retreat into oblivion or join the forces of good.” She looks up at me with a real smile on her face, which fades. “If only it really were that simple.”

  I’m left at a loss for words. I know the parallel she’s making between her and the Specter. She has to realize it’s different. “You know it’s not your job to save the world.”

  “I know, but I would have liked to have at least saved my neighbors.” She pulls her lips to the side in sorrow.

  “You would have if you could. Everyone knows that.” I stroke her hair.

  “Yeah, I guess.” She checks her phone again and nuzzles in closer. “Do you think Carl is okay?”

  “Carl does a pretty good job taking care of himself.” I laugh. “To hear him tell it the bus narrowly missed killing him but his ‘lightening fast reflexes’ saved the day.”

  “Don’t make fun. What would you have done if you looked up and saw a school bus about to hit you?” She twists to look up at me.

  “Probably would have shit myself to be totally honest.” A laugh rumbles in my chest. “I think I would have had the good sense to get out of the way though.”

  “You typically were always the sensible one.” She reaches up and runs her fingers through my hair and captures me with her pale blue gaze. There’s something in her stare that tells me she needs me. It makes me feel strong being able to be here with her. Which is ironic, because honestly, she saved me. Her words also invoke the shadow of Aiden, since I know she’s referring to him being the non-sensible one.

  “I’ve taken risks; I can walk on the wild side.” I fold my arms around her. “I tamed you, didn’t I?”

  She looks up at me wide eyed, feigning offense. “Elijah Walker, you have done no such thing.” She twirls around, sitting in my lap, straddling me and touching her forehead to mine. “Take it back or I’ll give you a purple nurple.”

  The smile on her face lifts my soul out of the doldrums it was in. She’s feeling playful, normal. She’s poking my ribs, tickling me. “Okay, I take it back.”

  Both of us are laughing, it’s been so long since either of us has laughed like this. She needs this, to feel some relief from the constant chaos. Our laughter dies down and we’re left just looking at one another. She stares into my eyes, unblinking, frightened by the seriousness of the moment.

  Shay inhales a deep breath and leans down and kisses my neck. She starts slow and soft, kissing and running her tongue over my skin. I close my eyes and lean my head back on the couch. This feels so amazing having her this close. I move my hands down around her ass and pull her in closer to me, squeezing gently, and God she feels good, smells amazing and she’s so close to me I can feel the heat of her pressing up against my dick.

  Her breath on my neck dries the moisture she left behind. Her irregular breathing is heating me up more than her kisses. I know that right now I need to let her be in charge, she needs to be in the lead and I’m A-O-fucking-K with that. Jesus, she’s moving her hips on my lap, grinding my dick into absolute submission standing at attention just for her. Just to feel her moisture on me. I want to touch her everywhere all at once. Slowly I put my hand under her shirt and caress her back. She doesn’t resist, and responds by biting down on my neck. Her movements become more urgent and she bites a trail down my neck to my chest.

  She sits up and flips her hair back out of the way. Her pale blue eyes look at me with uncertainty and wanting. She wants to say something but the words won’t come. I run my fingers through her hair until my hand gently guides her to meet my lips. Before my mouth covers hers I whisper, “I’m yours, this is on your terms.”

  Shay quickly closes the distance between our mouths, dipping and darting her tongue over mine playfully, becoming more forceful with each passing moment. I have to be careful, I feel like I just might explode right here before I ever get my pants off. My dick is throbbing and reacts every time she brushes her hand over my balls.

  It’s not that I’d forgotten how hot she was, it’s that I didn’t want to remember what I was missing out on. I continue rubbing her back and arms, and then venture around to caress her nipples that are free under the sweatshirt she’s wearing. She doesn’t stop me and moans when I give a gentle pinch. She stops kissing me and leans down and flicks her tongue in my ear and whispers hot and breathy, “Let’s go to the bedroom.”

  I lift us both off the couch and carry her still straddled around me into the bedroom. I lay her on the bed and lean down over her. I want to rip her fucking clothes off right now and just take her, but I’m controlling my deepest urges and keep telling myself she needs to be in charge.

  I lay over her, pushing her shirt up out of the way, and kiss from her belly button up to her breasts, circling each nipple with my tongue.
Shay writhes under me in pleasure and knowing that she wants me, knowing that she’s aching to have me inside her as much I want to be, is the best thing I’ve felt in a long time. It cheers me on, and when I thought it wasn’t possible, my dick gets harder in response to her moaning.

  She pulls her shirt off and throws it on the floor, presenting herself to me, covering her breasts, waiting for me to disapprove. I take in her entire form, her beauty, her grace. I look at her, full of admiration. “You are so fucking beautiful.” I trace a line with my finger from her neck down to and past her waistband. Oh God, she’s so wet and ready. She blushes as though her dirty little secret has been let out of the bag. “I want you Shay, I need you.”

  She slides out of her pants and lays before me on the bed, completely naked for me to see. It’s as though she’s looking for my approval. I totally fucking approve. I rub my hands across her belly gently. “I love you Shay.” And Jesus Christ I don’t want to say the words, but I know I have to. “If you want to stop I’m okay with that.”

  She sits straight up on the bed and unbuttons my jeans, pulling them off and taking my hand, pulling me down to the bed. She puts me on my back and straddles me, kissing my neck, then my chest, nibbling on both of my nipples. Her lips run gently down my chest to my stomach while her fingers bump over my belly and her breathing becomes irregular. The lower she goes the stronger the electricity is that travels straight to my dick, like I hope she will. Her kisses are slow and deliberate around the base, still rubbing her hands on my chest and then grasping me gently. Her lips run a trail of kisses down my shaft. “Oh God.” I can’t contain it, and I’m having to concentrate on not blowing it right now. Her soft lips are running slowly up and down. The vibration of her moaning against me is going to send me over the edge.

  She runs her tongue all the way up and pulls at her lip and licks her finger. She bites down on her lower lip, looking at me with those pale blue eyes on fire. I take her face in my hands and guide her up to me and cover her mouth with mine. I need to be inside her, now. I know she feels the same. She grabs the back of my head, urging me to kiss her harder, running her tongue over mine.