INK: Abstraction Read online

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  Right about now would be a good time for a miracle.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  I Can Remain Silent


  This feels like it’s all come full circle. I’m back in this room with the scarred table and two-way mirror. Filson walks into the interrogation room with Detective Glass in tow. “How are you holding up, Miss Baynes?”

  “I would like to speak with my attorney.” Eli told me that’s the only thing I should say. So I’m sticking to the script. I’m sure they are going to hold me for as long as they can without letting Jason come back.

  “In good time,” Glass says with a shit-eating grin on his face. I’m unnerved by his presence, knowing what he did to me and that I’m back under his control. I shift in my seat from the discomfort of it all. I try to focus like I've been doing with Carl so I can get inside their heads, but it's not working.

  “Surely it’ll be fine for us to have a friendly chat.” The chair protests under Filson's large frame. Glass leans against the two-way mirror.

  “I would like to speak with my attorney,” I repeat.

  “Oh, I’ve heard you’re a lot more fun than that.” The smirk on his face is positively evil. If you didn't know the words he was saying you'd think he was planning a church bake sale. “I’ve even heard a rumor that you’re quite witty.” He leans across the table. “And that no one begs quite like you do.”

  I tilt my head, looking at him, knowing his meaning. He’s fully aware that Glass took me. It's in his eyes. It's in his voice. He’s a sick motherfucker and the quieter I am the better. Unmoving, without blinking I return his stare. For a moment the hint of a smile plays on my lips imagining him as one of the Specter's victims. And I don't feel one bit bad.

  Carl’s voice invades my thoughts. I always wonder if I’m imagining it at first. “Hey darlin’, we’re working on getting back there, but we’re getting stonewalled.”

  I figured. I’m doing okay in here. They are trying to get me to talk, but you can assure Eli that I’m not saying anything, I tell him.

  “Regardless of what they say or do, just exercise your right to remain silent.” His voice is tight. I’m not sure why, although I’m sure he’s trying to keep Dad and Eli calm.

  No problem. Honestly, I’m scared shitless and I’m feeling very afraid. I make the admission, wishing I could take it back. But don’t tell Eli, just tell him I’m being good.

  “I’ll tell him.”

  And Carl, tell him I love him. I want Eli to know that I haven’t stopped thinking about how awesome today could’ve been. Now I know it’ll be a while before Jason will be able to get me out. Oh, and please tell my dad I’m sorry and that I love him too.

  “I’ll let him know.” He’s tense, I’m sure Dad and Eli are at each other’s throats out there. Dad was less than pleased with our elopement.

  “It would really be in your best interest to at least listen to what I have to say.” Filson’s voice reaches me. I have no idea whether or not he’s been talking to me. I only smile and nod.

  There’s a knock on the door and Glass looks irritated. Preston comes in, and here we go.

  “Hey Shay, do you need anything?” Preston doesn’t acknowledge Glass or Filson.

  “Actually, we’re actively questioning the suspect and don’t require your assistance.” Filson stands. I’m sure he does that a lot as a method of intimidation.

  Preston shoots him a look. “Pipe down, Filson.” He looks back at Detective Glass. “I’m not sure exactly why you’re in here, but you are not authorized to take part in this investigation. As a matter of fact, last I checked you weren’t even allowed to be within two hundred feet of Miss Baynes.”

  Glass folds his arms across his chest and I can’t help but notice that his jacket is a little tight around the shoulders. I have to work to keep from making a snide comment about his increasing girth.

  He spouts out his well-rehearsed answer. “Well I’m here as part of an active investigation.”

  Preston turns around to him. “No you’re not, out.” He dismisses him just like that.

  I’m not able to keep from giving him a sassy look. Just for old time’s sake. I wave as he leaves the room sneering at me. I look at Preston and just want to say thank you, but I’m not saying a damn word. I just want to get home, and I know that I have to do as I’m told.

  “Filson.” Preston addresses him.


  “I’m going to need a few minutes alone with Miss Baynes.” He takes the seat across from me.

  “Excuse me?” He’s baffled.

  “I said I need a few minutes alone. Why don’t you wait outside,” he insists.

  Filson begrudgingly walks out the door. Preston reaches across the table, motioning for my hands. I hold up the handcuffs. “Sorry.”

  He goes to the door and comes back with a key. “I’m assuming if I take these off you are going to behave.”

  I nod. I would do just about anything to get these cuffs off, because honestly, I’m having one hell of a time not freaking out about being restrained again, and it hurts. I still have the wounds on my hands from the kidnapping.

  “Listen sweetheart. I’m not here in an official capacity. I hope that you take Eli’s advice and don’t talk.” He's sincere, the sufferance is apparent in his eyes. “Are you doing okay?”

  My nod is half-hearted. I still don't think I can trust him. I don't know that I can trust anyone.

  “Do you need anything?” He’s taken the cuffs off and is now holding onto my hands.

  I shake my head. He gives a disapproving look. “I’m not hear as the DA, I’m here as your godfather. I need to make sure you’re okay because I love you. Do you need a soda? Something to eat?”

  He’s genuinely concerned and I don’t think this is a trick to get me to talk. “Water?”

  He turns to the window and waves; I’m sure that must have been the secret code for get her some water. “I’m worried about you and Harry. I want to get you out of here as soon as we can, so I need you to cooperate when Jason gets here.”

  “Where is he?” I’d really like to have him here. Even though I trust Preston, I’d be more comfortable.

  “He’s doing everything he can.” He blinks slowly. “Eli’s out front pacing the floor like a caged tiger.” He manages to inject some levity in his statement.

  My heart softens for a moment, invoking a small laugh at the thought of Eli my great champion. “That sounds about right.”

  “You know I love that boy as if he were my own,” he says with a hint of warning. “I wish things could have been different. But hey, we don’t always get what we want, right?”

  “I know that’s the truth.” I roll my eyes and am lulled into the sense of familiarity sitting with a man I’ve been fishing with many times. He’s spent countless holidays with us and has been a fixture in our family for as long as I can remember. That’s how he knows Eli, because we’ve always been a package deal.

  A smile blooms on my lips thinking of all the wonderful memories that Eli and I have had and all that we’ll make. The door opens and it’s someone with two bottles of water and a pack of peanut butter crackers.

  Preston slides them across the table to me. The female officer leans down and whispers in Preston’s ear. He nods. “Thank you Charlise.”

  She looks at me with a heavy sadness. There’s something haunting about how she can’t take her eyes off me until she disappears through the door. I try to dig into her thoughts, but all I get is an echo of interference.

  “Shay.” Preston sucks in a breath and doesn’t continue.

  “What is it?” My spidey sense is tingling. It seems as though he has something important to say but can’t find the words.

  “Um, do you…do you need anything else?” Whatever he was going to say originally, he changed his mind.

  “A get out of jail free card?” I joke.

  “They’ll let Jason back here soon. Hopefully they’ll get the arraignment set
and you’ll be able to go home.” He’s really holding back. This might be a good time for me to try some of my new tricks. I wonder if I can get into his mind.

  I need to keep him here another minute. “Todd? Can you tell me why I’m here?”

  “I’m sorry sweetheart. I’m not allowed to discuss the case with you. It’s the only reason I’m able to come in and make sure you’re okay.” He pulls his lips to the side. “But I’ll be nearby if you need me.”

  Trying to get inside his head just isn’t working; I’d like to get a glimpse of what’s going on. “Thanks, I feel better knowing you’re here even if my dad can’t be.”

  He winces like someone just poured lemon juice on a paper cut. What the hell was that? I focus hard on his thoughts and try to meditate, but there’s nothing. Probably just me.

  He gets up. “I’ll be back to check on you in a bit.”

  “Thanks.” I smile sweetly, still trying to pry into his thoughts to no avail.

  “Remember.” He makes a zipping motion across his mouth.

  I mimic him and then give him the thumbs up.

  The time is passing by like a trickle of water trying to fill a bucket. The only problem is I have no idea how long I’ve been in here. I’ve resorted to laying my head down on the table and taking a nap.


  “Sweetie?” Someone gently tugs on my shoulder. I lift my head and look around the room. I don’t recognize where I am. I look behind me to find Gabriel.

  “Hey.” I’m surprised to see him. “Where am I?”

  “Home,” he says simply. He rests a plate of bacon and eggs down in front of me.

  “Thanks.” Huh, instead of a sex dream I have a food dream. Interesting. I poke at the eggs with a fork. I notice the eggs are over easy. Meaning not cooked all the way. Gross. I never knew how Elise could eat her eggs like this. I feel like the eggs are going to start chirping. I pick up a piece of bacon and nibble on it.

  Gabriel sits across the table and stares at me with his head propped up on his hands. “I’ve missed you, y’know.”

  “I’ve missed you too. I always wonder where you are when we’re not together.” I look down to hide the lie. Gabriel rarely comes to mind when I'm awake.

  “Really? I’m always right here, waiting.” He gazes over at me lovingly.

  For some reason this feels awkward. It could be because of my engagement to Eli, but now it feels like I’m cheating just being in the same room alone with Gabriel. We stare at each other for a long span in silence.

  He stands and comes over to my side of the table and takes my hand. He looks down and presses my fingers to his lips. Yup, it feels completely inappropriate. I make nervous small talk. “So what have you been up to?”

  “Same ol’ same ol’. Chasing the Specter, although things have changed with him quite a bit, he’s become sloppy.”

  “Really? That’s interesting.” I slip another piece of bacon in my mouth.

  “And that Aiden guy?” He shakes his head. “He’s been hanging around a lot. Well, he was.”

  “Is he not anymore?” I’m curious what my subconscious imaginary dream boyfriend would have to say about my real life, not very real boyfriend. Ex-boyfriend.

  “No, he met up with the Specter and—”

  A loud crash makes me lift my head up off the table, startled. Now I’m sitting back in the interrogation room at the police station craving the warm arms of Eli and a crispy slice of bacon. But all I’m going to get is an eyeful of Filson and Glass standing behind him with a smug grin on his face.

  “Did you enjoy your little nap?” Filson's sarcasm fills the room like a stale fart.

  A sweet smile spreads across my face and I just nod. My silence is all I have to hang on to. Otherwise there’s no telling what will happen if I start regurgitating at the mouth verbally. Just the sight of Glass makes my skin burn with anger or fear knowing how brutal he can be. Knowing how brutal he was. I absently rub my arm.

  “Good, now that you’re refreshed let’s get these back on. Detective Glass, would you do the honors?” Filson hands Glass a pair of handcuffs. Great. I have to remain calm and just not fall into their psychological mind fuck. The implication of Glass putting the handcuffs on certainly isn’t lost on me. This is just a big fuck you. Glass might as well say, “Yeah, just like when I had you in my shed.”

  Glass slaps them on with enthusiasm and cinches them tighter than they need to be. They are digging into my already battered wrists and I’m having to work hard to maintain any modicum of calm. “Hmm, perhaps a little smarter than rope, can’t cut through these.”

  My lids rest heavy and I inhale a deep breath, trying to close out the world. Push away his words and his sick game. Aside from needing to maintain my cool I also have to maintain my silence and remember it’s not just my right it’s my duty.

  Filson lays out a series of crime scene photos on the table, and I close my eyes again. I can’t look at them, they are all horrible and there’s something about seeing my depiction of the murders that’s different than seeing actual pictures.

  “Nigel Taylor, Lieutenant Mark Simmons, Lieutenant Percy Farmer, Ian (Lobster) Pilsbury, Christian Bolle, Ryan Houser, Kristin (Taffy) Ringgold, Alice Messner, Gary Messner, Cecil Jennings, Kevin Manning, Zac (The Squid) Munson, and these are only the ones we know about.” Filson leans his tall heavy frame over me trying to get my attention. I don't even know most of those names. I have a hard time not flinching when he mentions Mark and Cecil. I didn't even know they were killed.

  “And then, there’s Aiden Roth.” He slides a photo on the table. “The only murder I can nail you for, but I promise you this. I’ll be sitting in the front row when they put that needle in your arm and you know what I’ll be thinking?” I can feel his acrid breath on my cheek he’s so close. “I’ll be thinking that it’s a shame we can only kill you once.”

  There’s no way he can lure me into looking. I don’t want to know that Aiden’s gone, I can’t look at a picture of his dead body. Seeing him splayed out like all the other victims, hung in various states of dismemberment, would destroy me. I can’t bear to see the confirmation that I’ll never hear, taste, smell or hold him again.

  Filson slams his hand on the table and I jump a little in my chair. My eyes spring open but I look away from the pictures. In a loud booming baritone he commands, “Look at them.”

  Averting my eyes I answer small and weak, “I’d like to speak to my attorney.”

  “In good time, when I’m damn ready.” He sits across from me. “I’ve got two packs of smokes, a box of donuts and the coffee is flowing. I can do this until your clock runs out.”

  “We’ve got you for another twenty hours before we have to let anyone in to see you.” He looks over his shoulder at Glass. “You think she can entertain us for twenty hours?”

  “I know I’m entertained.” He’s so pleased with himself.

  Just fuck

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Make it Bloody & Painful


  My head is back down on the table and I’m trying to rest. I don’t know how long I’ve been here, but I know it was light when I got here, dark when I went to sleep and now the world outside the tiny window dons a pale gray light. A uniformed officer comes in. I don’t remember her name, but I recognize her from when Dad was commissioner.

  “Miss Baynes. You’re going to be transported to county. We can’t hold you here anymore.” She can’t look me in the eye.

  “Okay, what does that mean? Am I going to be able to talk to my attorney?” I just want the chance to see Eli; it will hold me over for awhile.

  “Sorry, he’ll probably meet with you over at the jail.” She looks down at her feet. “Did you need to use the restroom before you go?”

  “Yes please.”


  The police car comes to a stop inside the third gate of the state-of-the-art county jail facility. The high walls are menacing and I already feel claustrophobic. Filson opens
the back door of the car and motions for me to step out. Honestly, it’s not as easy as you think getting out of the backseat of a car with your hands behind your back.

  Once I get out, Filson smiles down at me with a cruel smirk. I know what’s coming and I’m trying to mentally separate myself from the next hour. I’m led through the gate where I’m patted down again and they take my mugshot, and you would think that whether or not my hair looks okay would be the last thing on my mind, but it isn’t.

  The next step is the fingerprinting and health check. I feel like a horse when they check my teeth, then it’s worse when they check me for lice. There’s only one thing left for them to do, which is the part of this that I’m dreading the most. Okay Baynes, strip down. Dear God I was hoping we could forgo the strip search, but apparently I’m not that lucky.

  My hesitation is met with harsh words. “Baynes, strip!”

  I nervously fidget with the string on my shirt. “But, what about him?” I motion toward Filson, who’s leaning against the doorway with a smug smile on his face.

  “Oh don’t mind me, I’m just here to make sure my prisoner is properly and completely processed.” He’s enjoying this far too much.

  “Um, isn’t this some sort of violation? I mean, he’s a…” I’m loathed to call him a man, “…a guy.”

  “Baynes, just strip so you don’t have to be disciplined on your first day here; we prefer inmates that do as their told,” she says. Her eyes are apologetic, but she’s well aware that he’s not going to leave.

  Reluctantly I unbutton my shirt. You hear me Specter? This motherfucker is next. Make it bloody and painful. I look at Filson, imagining him in various states of dismemberment, and a small conciliatory smile rises to my lips.

  “Hm, it looks like you might be enjoying this as much as I am.” He bites his bottom lip to obscure his greasy grin.

  “I will, I definitely will.” I’m of course referring to drawing him dead. He’s a piece of shit that preys on people in compromised positions. I'm sure he broke the last honest bone in his body when he was beating off to kiddy porn as a teenager. This motherfucker eats kittens for breakfast and drowns bunnies in his coffee.