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INK: Vanishing Point (Book 2) Page 7

  Eli stops pacing and turns to me with wide eyes. “Your living room was burned out in your dream?”

  “Yes, it was like half the house was gutted and there was blood on the walls.” I describe the scene and it feels like a memory, not a dream.

  He bends down and smells me, “Jesus, you do smell like smoke.” He turns to Carl, “Smell her!”

  “I smelled the smoke on her. The impression of the dream was very strong. If we went to the house we may even find her blood on the door.” Carl looks directly at Eli.

  “Wait, the fire was real?” Please say no, please say it was just a dream.

  “I was going to tell you tonight when you got up for dinner.” He stops shaking his head.

  “Oh no, this just keeps getting better. Spill it” Carl and Eli exchange a knowing look.

  “There was a fire.” Eli sits down beside me. “It’s not a total loss, but there’s a lot of work that’s going to need to be done.”

  I straighten my shoulders and inhale deeply. I’m staring down the barrel of homelessness and I don’t like how it feels. “Okay, this is the part where one of you tells me what happened.”

  They look at each other waiting for the other to start. There’s a strange silent exchange between them.

  Eli shakes his head, “Here’s what I know.” He turns to face me, “Someone called 9-1-1 that there had been a shooting and to send an ambulance.”

  “Who called 9-1-1?” Was it Aiden?

  “We don’t know who called,” Eli continues after searing Carl through with his eyes, “You had been shot twice and the house was on fire. CSI found two distinct blood types at the scene: yours on the floor and the wall and an unknown on a kitchen knife. They’ve sent it all off for testing to find out if it was Aiden’s blood.”

  Dread fills my body with worry for Aiden; what if I hurt him. I want to remember what happened. My head is swimming in all of this, “But you were there, Carl?”

  “I was getting out my car when I heard the gunshots.” I wait for more, but that’s all he offers.

  “Was Aiden there?” Come on, I have to know if he’s okay. My God, did I kill Aiden?

  Carl looks nervously at Eli who appears very interested in Carl’s answer, “You were on the floor; you had been shot in the head and the neck. I didn’t notice the rest of the surroundings, you were my main concern.” Carl stops to take a breath, but more likely to listen in on what I’m thinking of all of this and I call bullshit. No way he didn’t see what else was happening and I know Aiden was there. I know he was there because he was staying this time. Wasn’t he?

  Carl releases a defeated sigh and continues looking straight into my eyes. “The bullet to your neck had severed your internal carotid artery and tore your vertebral artery. I used the kitchen knife to open you up to get my fingers inside your neck to pinch off the blood flow.”

  Eli puts his arm around me as though he were reliving the scene. My hand lifts to my neck, holding the bandage. I wish I could remember it. He still hasn’t told me anything about Aiden. What if it was his blood? What if I killed him? I wish he would just tell me what happened to Aiden.

  “I will.” Carl says sitting back in the seat.

  “You will what?” Eli says in an angry tone.

  Carl tries to give me some super-secret look, “I will tell you more.”

  “Okay then, go on.” I move my hands in a circular motion.

  “You were in bad shape; you were unconscious and the lack of blood flow to your brain is likely why you’ve experienced memory loss.” Carl hesitates. “Or it could be the trauma.”

  My entire body tenses at the thought of anyone’s fingers being inside my neck. This is all so crazy and I’m worried about Aiden.

  “I think that’s enough for tonight,” Eli says putting his hand on my back for comfort.

  “No, actually, it isn’t,” I protest, throwing his arm off my shoulder and then standing up. “No one’s told me what happened to Taffy and why I’m still a suspect even though there is video evidence that I was in Tampa, what the theory is on Aiden or what’s up with the cop.” I point toward the front door.

  Eli expels a breath as though he’s been dreading this moment for weeks. He runs his fingers through his raven-black hair and tilts his head back on the couch, “The D.A.’s office has been trying to contact the waitress at the Lenny’s you and McNab ate at; she’s been unavailable for questioning. They want more confirmation from an impartial third party before they’re ready to clear you.”

  “Okay, well I’m sure she’ll remember McNab, she was drooling all over him. And then there were these two assholes that harassed us and McNab put them on the ground when one of them touched me. You don’t forget that kind of thing.” I cut a hard look at Eli to continue.

  “I don’t know what’s up with Aiden.” He looks directly at Carl, “But he does, he just won’t tell us.”

  “Is that true, Carl?” I’m hopeful he does know something, I can’t stand the thought of him being hurt. “Do you know where Aiden is?”

  “No I don’t know where Aiden is,” he huffs, looking at Eli like he’d like to choke him. “All I know of Aiden is that he’s okay.”

  “Which brings us to the cop,” Eli stands looping his arms around my waist. I want to protest but I want him to continue. “Aiden shot you; he really did try to kill you and I'm afraid he may come back to finish it.”

  “Aiden would never hurt me.” I can’t believe he would ever think that Aiden would do that without good reason. I look at Carl to confirm that Aiden wouldn’t harm me.

  “Shay, you sound like one of the battered women who won’t press charges. Just trust me on this; I don’t want Aiden anywhere near you.” I break away from Eli’s hold.

  “This is bullshit. If Aiden shot me, he had good reason or it was an accident.” This isn’t what I had in mind when I told Eli to stop making excuses for Aiden. This is crossing a line. Aiden wouldn’t hurt me any more than Eli would. I’m putting an end to this right now.

  “Shooting someone once is an accident; twice is on purpose.” Eli looks to Carl for affirmation. Carl won’t give it.

  “Whatever Aiden did he had good reason and when he comes back he’ll explain it or I’ll remember what happened.” My voice sounds weak. Some people take a moment to regain their poise; I take a moment to regain my ire. “And that cop out there is done. We don’t need him.”

  “I’m not comfortable with that.” Eli applies his calming tone, but it’s not going to work.

  “That’s too bad. I’m not comfortable with a cop hovering around all the time. He’s leaving.” I walk with a purpose to the door and swing it open, “Officer, thank you so much for your time, but your services are no longer required.”

  The cop looks at Eli shaking his head. “Sir?”

  “Why don’t you give us a few minutes, Officer?” Eli says, coming to me and closing the door. “Shay, this is for your protection.”

  “I don’t need protection from Aiden!” My voice reaches a higher register and I can feel the blood flowing through the damaged veins in my neck, “If Aiden does come around I don’t want some cop scaring him off. I need to see him I need to know he’s okay. Please, Eli, I’m begging you to please send the cop away.”

  Eli pinches the bridge of his nose. “I don’t like this.”

  Carl approaches us in the foyer. “Let the cop go. If Aiden does show up, he’ll have to get through me to hurt her.”

  “Thank you Carl. Eli, he’s not going to let anything happen to me.” I throw my shoulders back in a show of assurance.

  “No offense, man, but Aiden is a crafty motherfucker and I’d feel better if Shay had three sets of eyes on her.” Eli speaks directly to Carl calmly, “You don’t have a vested interest and I understand you don’t get it, but I almost lost her once. I’m not taking another chance.”

  “Aiden won’t get past me.” Carl assures him as his features darken, “And I do have a vested interest in her. I care about what happ
ens to her and more importantly, McNab cares and would give his life for her, and so would I.”

  “Thank you, Carl.” I step closer to Carl folding my arms across my chest and give Eli the “so there.”

  “Fine, I’ll get rid of the cop.” Eli acquiesces and dismisses the officer.

  The few steps back to the living room I ride what feels like a triumph, but I still know I have to get out of here. I feel like I’m suffocating. I’m a danger to Carl and maybe Eli too. I’m going to be a danger to everyone if I don’t get some peace and alone time. I need to come up with a way to get out of here and the cop being gone is step one.

  Carl eyes me with concern and disapproval. I don’t want to hurt his feelings, but I’m not three, I’m a grownup and I’m not going to be trapped in. While Eli is outside the door talking to the cop, I lean into Carl and say, “Hey let me see your cell phone.”

  Carl hands it over. I text Trish.

  It’s Shay, I need a rescue from Eli’s STAT ~S

  Can’t, I’m entertaining ~T

  I let out a frustrated huff. “Fucking Trish.” I push the buttons on the phone like they have wronged me.

  Fucking NOW I need your help, get me out of here NOW ~S

  Be there in 10 ~T

  Carl raises and eyebrow. “Going somewhere?”

  Clear your mind, Shay, don’t think of anything or you’re screwed, “I need to go for coffee or something and get away from this." I motion toward the doorway where Eli is coming in.

  Carl’s considering my words and I recite “puppies and kitties” over and over again in my head. He exhales, shaking his head, “You’ll be back tonight?”

  I nod. “I just need a break before I totally lose it.”

  We stop talking when Eli comes back in and he notices the silence. I wonder how he likes it. I thank Eli for sending the cop away.

  “Are you hungry, Shay?” Carl asks. It seems like a misplaced question, I’m able to read the look on his face and I think I’m supposed to say yes.

  “I am actually hungry.” Which perks Eli up.

  “What do you want to eat? I’ve got a ton of stuff in the freezer,” Eli offers, heading for the kitchen.

  I look at Carl for guidance since this seems like it’s his idea. Carl mouths to me, “Steaks on the grill.”

  Interesting; maybe Carl was just hungry, “Can you grill some steaks?”

  “Sure can.” Eli busies himself in the kitchen.

  Carl leans forward on the chair and speaks in a low tone, “You need to call McNab. I’ll tell you more about Aiden after the police have questioned you about the shooting.”

  “I’m looking forward to it,” I say, irritated that McNab has been away for so long. “So what am I supposed to do about sleep? I can’t very well go around killing people in my dreams.”

  “I’m going to work with you on it.” Carl pauses, “You basically have to put things in the perspective that you aren’t in a dream. You can’t give yourself permission to act out or do things you wouldn’t normally do." Carl ponders that for a moment, “Don’t do anything you would regret or be arrested for.”

  “Okay, I think I can handle it. I mean, sleep is one of my top three favorite things.” I wink at Carl.

  “What are the other two?” he asks.

  A coy grin slides across my face and I pump my eyebrows, “Sex and eating; you know the basics. What are your favorite things?”

  Carl’s face flushes to a bright red, “Eating’s pretty cool. So is sleep, but maybe a little overrated.”

  I’m enjoying this, “That’s two, what’s the third."

  “I’ll tell you if you tell me: Aiden or Eli?” He raises his eyebrows looking past me into the kitchen where Eli working on dinner.

  “Don’t you already know?” I tease.

  “No, I don’t,” he presses.

  “Hmm, Aiden or Eli?” I tap my finger to my chin in contemplation, “For sex, fun or long term?”

  “It’s not the same for all three?”

  I think for a minute because honestly it’s not. I shake my head feeling a little ashamed.

  “You don’t have to answer; I don’t think you can.” Carl looks at me sympathetically.

  He’s right, I can’t answer that question, because I do love them both. Although Eli’s ahead in the race these days considering he hasn’t shot me. Twice.

  “There is that.” Carl answers my internal thoughts. I really hate when he does that.

  Eli goes through the back door with the plate of steaks in his hand. That’s my cue to grab my bag from the bedroom and get out of dodge. Going back through the great room, Carl gives me a disapproving look. “I want you back here by eleven."

  “Sure thing, Dad!” Puppies and kitties, puppies and kitties.

  Chapter 9



  Walking out the door of Eli’s house feels like I’ve just gotten out of jail. It’s so depressing in there with all that’s happening. Eli and Carl hovering over me. I’m not dumb enough to think for a second that I don’t know that Carl is going to be following me. I may not have known him that long, but I know him well enough that he’s not going to let McNab down. Although, I can’t imagine that McNab is really okay with my incarceration at Eli’s.

  I walk down the street toward the front of the neighborhood to intercept Trish on the way in. I wave her down when I see her car.

  “What the fuck, Shay?” she asks as I close the car door. She eyes the bandage on my neck and the fancy new haircut courtesy of Aiden’s poor aim, “Jesus Christ, what the hell happened to you?”

  “Long story, I’ll tell you on the way to the mall. I need to get a new cell phone.” That’s step two in attaining my independence.

  “What happened to your cell phone?” She pulls out onto the main road.

  “It was stolen at the signing. That’s why I haven’t called you. Eli’s got me on total lockdown.”

  “Who the fuck does he think he is?” She taps the steering wheel impatiently at the red light.

  “He thinks he’s my great protector and they’ve had a cop guarding me because they are afraid Aiden is going to kill me. Is that not the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever heard?” I know I could be stirring up a bees nest asking her to commiserate with me on anything pro-Aiden, but it’s worth a try.

  “Shay, I don’t even know what happened. Nobody will tell me anything. Did Aiden do this to you?” Her tone is hurt from being left out of the loop.

  “Trish, I would have called you, but Eli and Dad have really been keeping me from contacting anyone. Dad busted me in the hospital trying to call Aiden and they had the phone taken out of the room,” I explain, trying to let her know it wasn’t that I didn’t want to talk to her about it.

  “Fuckin’ A, Shay this is awful!”

  “I know. I’ve had no phone, no peace, I’m barely ever left alone. I’ve been trying to figure out why the fuck Aiden shot me –”

  Trish cuts the steering wheel hard to the right and stops the car. “Aiden-Fucking-Shot-You?” Trish stares with her eyes wide and mouth hung open.

  “You didn’t know?” I can’t believe no one told her what happened.

  “Nobody would tell me anything for like weeks, and then your Dad finally got tired of my demon-dialing and said that you had been hurt in the fire.” She is still in shock from the revelation about Aiden. “Honestly, I thought they were just covering for you and you’d been locked up in the psych ward. Like Elise.”

  Being with Trish and her angry manner is enough to rub off on anyone; coupled with the fact that my life has been a mess, I allow myself to let go. “Nobody knew Elise had been locked up until she wasn’t anymore.” The memory rolls around in my mind, then I remember. “The fire, I still don’t know what the fuck that was all about. I don’t know why Aiden shot me…twice and then disappeared.”

  “Honey, he shot you and then left. I think you should really assume that things are over between you. It’s the ultimate fuck off
.” She presses her lips into a thin line as though she’s extolling the wisdom of the ages. “‘It’s complicated’ doesn’t even begin to describe your life. Facebook needs to add a new relationship status: “he shot me and left.’ Oh wait, that would just be ‘single’ wouldn’t it?”

  I can’t hold back the tears any longer; they stream down my face. It’s not that Trish saying it makes it any truer, it just resonates with me. I know she hates Aiden, but her observation is sincere. If I only knew where he was, if he just would have called I would at least know he's okay.

  “It’s just a mess, Trish. I don’t know how things spun out of control like this.” I bury my face in my hands.

  Trish extends her arm across the console and touches my shoulder. “It’s going to be okay.” That’s about all she can say or do. She turns back onto the road. “Let’s get your phone and figure the rest out from there.”

  Chapter 10



  Potatoes should be done and these steaks are ready. I walk in and put the platter on the counter and check the potatoes. Perfect!

  The great room is empty; where are they? “Shay? Dinner’s ready,” I call out but there is no answer. “Carl?”

  “Yup.” Carl comes from the hallway.

  “Where’s Shay?”

  “I thought she was outside with you.” Carl says looking around the room. “Maybe in her room.”

  Fuck, I go the guest room and notice her backpack is gone, “Just fuck.” I can’t believe she took off. Well I can believe it; I just can’t believe she got by Carl.

  I go back to the great room, “Carl, I’ve got to go try to find her.” Carl’s not there. “Carl?” I yell out. I look out back then out front. Carl’s car is gone. “Where the fuck is Carl?”

  Shit, this is a disaster. How the hell could I have been so stupid? I really didn’t think she was going to run. I mean seriously, where would she go? She won’t go to Harry’s and Trish is too much of a selfish bitch to help her. Think, Eli, you have to think about where she would go.